Quick Record

Current version: 0.1.0

NOTE! This project is no longer maintained an is kept here for reference only. This program will not work on modern GNOME installations. There is a preliminary version for GNOME 2.x at SourceForge, but I do not know of its functionality.

General info

Quick Record is a GNOME panel applet that makes one-click recording of real-time music or speech possible. For instance, if you listen to radio (with a radio card, not Internet radio with Real Player etc.) on your computer you may want to spontaneously record some program. With Quick Record you can just click the applet so you won't lose a second of the program. You can also define a prerecord buffer so also a few seconds of music prior to the click is saved.

The development of Quick Record has moved to SourceForge, where a preliminary version for GNOME 2.x is available. This page has only the original applet for GNOME 1.x.

Quick Record is distributed under the GNU General Public License.


Source: quickrecord-0.1.1.tar.gz (178 kB) Only for GNOME 1.x!


You can contact me at . All feedback is appreciated.

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